Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Foreign Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Foreign Policy - Essay Example Freedom is an imperative ideal in the Western culture and governance based on democratic principles upholds the aspect to the latter. The NSC 68 describes the value as a correlation of individuals or parties which is devoid of repression or intimidation; the lack of disabling rules for a certain group or person and the establishment of enabling environment; or the lack of lived situations of coercion, for example political coercion in the United States society. Whereas political liberty is usually misunderstood to mean the liberty from irrational external repression, it may also be used to connote the free enjoyment of rights, liberal aptitudes and likelihood of development, and the enjoyment of social rights. The idea can also encompass liberty from limitations on political activities or expression (Jong-Han 255-287). Equity Although inequality cannot be eliminated completely, all the members of the society should be treated the same way, before the law and by administration authorities. Nevertheless, in practice, persons with more economic muscle and education are likely to be better placed in political circles, thus often influence civil society. As a matter of fact, there may be an evenhanded political mechanism with hardly any significant levels of involvement, so long as all demographic segments and social divisions uniformly took part in the building of a society (Jong-Han 255-287). Then those who take part in the process would properly represent a section of the entire community. In view this, equity can influence the foreign policy of the United States by enhancing political justness in other countries where the federal government feels equity is hardly practiced, by increasing the population of individuals who take part in political activities and empowering civil society. When the United States encourages more people to take their destiny and the destiny of the country into their own hands through programs such as more awareness campaigns, underprivileged communities and the less educated achieve more say. Diversity According to Jong-Han (255-287), diversity is the expression used to explain political entities with participants who hold recognizable disparity in their lifestyles. It is notable that the expression implies the disparities in racial or tribal categories, age, sex, spiritual inclination, ideology, physical capacities, socioeconomic status, sexual inclination, gender identity, education, mental status, physical capacities, genetic qualities, behavior, elegance, or other recognizable attributes. In gauging human multiplicity, a variation index gauges the likelihood that any two neighbors, picked randomly, would have varied ethnic backgrounds. Diversity in this wisdom can influence the nature of United States foreign policy based on the need for a cultivation of tolerant societies which supports the different communities regardless of their unique inclinations or qualities. For instance, the country can urge other states to adopt gay legislations in order to guarantee the community of a place in the society and enhance their integration into the society (Wright 76-104) American foreign policy The United States foreign policy revolves around the manner in which the country relates with other states and establishes thresholds of correlation for its institutions, business organizations and citizens in particular. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union around 1990, the United States foreign policy became highly influential across the world, because the former was already a pale shadow of its former self, with only disparate nations to

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Teacher’s Involvement on Education Reform Essay Example for Free

A Teacher’s Involvement on Education Reform Essay Student achievement is constantly changing. Today’s students are being prepared to face the real world that requires them to have exceeding abilities and knowledge. On the global economic aspect of today, students are asked to understand the fundamentals and at the same time be able to think critically. They must analyze and make inferences. It is the teacher’s task to develop these skills in the students. They must prepare them for any changes in the assessment of the school, especially when this approach is of the large scale and high-stake level. Education in the United States has been reformed countless times – all for various reasons. The changes in the knowledge and skills that are aimed for success go hand in hand with the understanding of how students learn. The relationship between the instruction given in schools and the assessment of the students through exams change the learning goals that are set for them and their schools. Therefore, the need for education reform. 1 Before, society can get by with the basic reading and arithmetic skills. This was during the industrial age. However, we are now in an information age. Individuals are required to have access to the interpretation and analysis of the information that they use in order to come up with decisions. Studies show that the skills and competencies mentioned in the previous sentence are the requirements to succeed in the workplace. 2 To adapt to these changes, the content standards of education – skills, knowledge and behavior of the students – must be achieved at a higher level. This is developed at the national, as well as the state areas of science, mathematics, history and geography. In this process, student assessment is the focus and the center of the efforts on matters concerning educational improvements. The policymakers intend to change the assessment that will allow teachers and schools to have different approaches. Assessment reform is not an excuse for a new regime by teachers. This is targeted to the students with the help of the development efforts of the teachers. These include curriculum reform, improving instruction and getting new instructional materials. A number of policymakers and educators believe that the assessment of the students reflect the lessons that they were taught. It’s true that the assessment influences the format of instruction. Contrary to the understanding of today’s students on how they learn their lessons, the assessments are particularly traditional. Most exams still follow the multiple-choice and the true-false format. These test facts determine the skill in an isolated approach. It seldom requires the students to apply what they really know, making it hard to determine what they are capable of doing in real life situations. The standardized tests do not match the content standards. Relying too much on these kinds of assessment often result to an instruction that only focuses on the basic knowledge and skills. It does not encourage the institution to reform the instruction give to the students. Engaged learning will prepare the students better for the 21st century. That being said, it only makes sense that the tests the students take encourage aggressive learning. 3 The notion that learning comes about by the accretion of little bits is outmoded learning theory. Current models of learning based on cognitive psychology contend that learners gain understanding when they construct their own cognitive maps of the interconnections among concepts and facts. Thus, real learning cannot be spoon-fed, one skill at a time. 4 Educators, policymakers and parents are starting to realize that the basic learning abilities are no longer enough. They need the students to have the skills they learned in school and the abilities they need upon leaving school all at the same time. Schools are expected to assist students in developing these competencies which they will use in real and authentic situations. The establishments are expected to graduate students who have these abilities – students who excel on both the standardized and the alternative assessments. During the last decade, the education community in the United States went through a proliferation of reform efforts that are standardized-driven. Its main objective is to increase the achievement level of the students. They want students from the United States achieve the same level of competitiveness with other industrialized nations. The education community also wants to restore the public confidence in the education. Once these are achieved, then it provides the standards-setting bodies the primary ways on how the classroom teachers can be involved in the reforming process. The federal government is a prominent player in the reforming efforts one educations. It goes all the way back in March 1994 when President Clinton signed the â€Å"Goals 2000: Educate America Act. It was the legislation that created the framework which allowed states to adopt and construct the education reform strategies by incorporating the three Goals principles: 1. ) rigorous academic standards. 2. ) alignment of curriculum, textbooks and teacher education and 3. ) clear incentives to encourage students to strive to meet high standards. Also, in 1987, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or the NBPTS was formed in order to articulate the standards of excellence to what teachers must know and should know. NBPTS has an assessment system that determines the eligibility of the educators for the National Board certification. At the same time, the Council of Chief State School Officers has established the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) to produce the model standards for the initial teacher licensure. INTASC standards are based on NBPTS standards. In 1987, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) started using the revised accreditation standards for teacher education institutions. This also reflects NBPTS standards. It calls for better performance, higher admissions and graduate standards. NCATE encourages the teachers to prepare the reforms on education at a content standard that has appeared from projects such as the NCTMs. There are three kinds of national standards which currently receive attention from the American government. The content standards focus on the curriculum, the performance standards concentrate on the student work and the assessment, and the school delivery standards which centers on the resources and support for the schools, teachers and students. The building figures from the consensus prominently show that the standards- setting movement of the schools and teachers has had de facto standards for the content areas that are mentioned in the Goals. These are affected by the textbook manufactures and the performance standards that are set by the testing companies. In contrast to this, the standards development projects of recent years have tried to get a base of support for a ny academic improvement. The involvement of teacher in the professional standards development can be seen in various areas: 1.  The teachers function as the standards. A lot of members of the NBPTS standards committees are accomplished and celebrated teachers. Classroom teachers are members of the NCATE board and the Standards Committee serve as the team which evaluates the teacher preparation programs. The Standard Project is there to develop the assessment standards. It also serves as the instrument for a national system of voluntary student examination. It engages the teachers in developing the tests items and refining the content standards in order to come up with better scores from the students. 2.  Teachers are the subjects of the fields that are new to test standards. Since they participate in the NBPTS field test, the INTAST assessments are conducted by teachers. 3. Teachers serve as the translators of the content standards. They apply this in a teachable classroom setting. By working with the scholars, the teachers build the contend standards in a state curriculum framework. They come up with lesson plans which are the operations for the standards they intend to meet. 4. Because they bargain units and have professional associations, teachers serve as the initiators of the standards-setting projects.  Take this for example, the Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students was developed by the American Federation of Teachers, the National Council on Measurement in Education and the National Education Association. 5. Teachers also serve as the critics of the national standards that set the efforts on education reform. The seven model standards that have been developed and supported by the Board of Education have circulated drafts of the standards documents. It also solicits the comment from the teachers and the parents. It is very important that teachers are on the panels in order to oversee the projects. The promotion of students’ critical thinking skills, active engagement in learning and deeper understanding of the subject matter is â€Å"teaching for understanding. † The classroom teachers must be engaged in teaching and understanding the lessons that they teach to the students. The research and the experience are collaborated and are jointly reported. Teachers must also focus on the policy considerations, starting with the perspectives in the classroom and emphasizing on the need for the field-based research that are needed for the multiple contexts of teaching. However, the involvement of teachers also varies on the perception of the school leadership. There are some teachers that perceive the costs of involvement in education reform outweigh the benefits. There are also some teachers who choose to not get involved because it means that this will influence other school policies. With this in mind, this proves that there are two kinds of decisions: the managerial, which is made by the administrators and the technical, which concentrates on the goal. Most teachers prefer being involved in the process than coming up with technical decisions. 7 Then there are some teachers that argue that education reform cannot be imposed on a unilateral approach. Teachers must endorse their new responsibilities and roles, as long as there is a time and enough resources to go about it. Schools depend on the cooperation, relation and interdependence of the staff members that plans such as these must be consistent with the norms that already exist. 8 Schools must also consider the current staff development. There are some models that do not help the teachers in handling the complex reforms that are currently being implemented. Dominant models work perfectly when the specific practices or skills are transferred. The current reforms need teachers to be intellectual. They must grapple the new ways in order to implement the principles and ideas in their daily work. The five steams of reform are challenges to the teachers. 9 Finally, there are the different studies of teachers when it comes to leadership roles. There are conditions that are particularly good prospects when it comes to leadership. By investing in roles that are dignified and not simply powerful, the organizational incentives needed for collaboration results to agreements which protect and separate the interest of the administrators and the teachers. This is a good thing because its final result is that it complies with the policies which support the education reform. Drawing from four different studies of teachers in leadership roles, the author examines the conditions for teacher productivity in schools. Little identifies five conditions as particularly likely to advance or erode the prospects for teacher leadership: define leadership tasks that are important, not trivial; invest leadership roles with dignity, not simply power over others; have organizational incentives for collaboration; avoid agreements that protect the separate interests of teachers and administrators; and have district policies that support teacher leadership, especially those on recruitment, selection, placement, and evaluation of principals. 10 Sometimes it is better to give movie examples. Over the years, there are countless movie releases that show teachers defying the school’s rules in order to provide what is best for their students. In â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, Michelle Pfeiffer encourages her students to read poetry instead of hanging out in the street and ruining their lives by getting involved in drugs, sex and gangsters. In the â€Å"Sister Act 2†, Whoopi Goldberg helms a choir consisting of African American students from the ghettos. Like Pfeiffer in â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, this is the nun’s distraction for the students to make something out of their lives. But a recent movie that depicts educational reform and teacher’s involvement best is the TV movie â€Å"Walkout. † It tells the story of the Mexican-American students in Los Angeles high schools in 1968. They staged a boycott in order to improve the quality of education for Chicanos. Actor-director Edward James Olmos (who plays Jennifer Lopez’ dad in â€Å"Selena) appears and directs in the movie. â€Å"Walkout† was skillfully directed and presented a simple story told in a direct manner. There is a frank portrayal of the unacceptable educational standards in the schools that are attended by the Mexican-American students. In one scene, two Chicano students were slapped on their behinds because they spoke in Spanish. This was only one of the rules in American schools which Mexican-American activists wanted to reform. They want to speak in Spanish whenever they want to because Spanish is their language. For teachers who want a peg in participating in educational reforms, they can look at Sal Castro played by Michael Pena (Jennifer Lopez’ brother in â€Å"Selena. ) He is a dedicated high school history teacher who is the instrument in stirring idealism in his students. He didn’t want them to be violent activists. He encouraged reform but he reminded them that this can be done in a united and peaceful protest. The focal point of the story is Paula Crisostomo (Alexa Vega) who is an exceptional student. She risked her graduation in order to be part of the Lincoln High School walkout. â€Å"Walkout† captures the passion of Paula and her classmates. The parents strongly resisted at the earlier part of the film, but later on they slowly understood the reason behind the activism of their children. The entire cast, played by young performers, is convincing. It is true that â€Å"Walkout† is a film but this is a depiction of something that happened in 1968 which changed history. Because of that walk-out, Mexican-American students are given a voice. The teacher participated in his own way in the education reform his students want granted. Those who watched this movie for the first time were unaware of the Chicano movement of 1968. They were surprised to find out that there was a time Universities kept Chicanos out. Teachers sacrifice their efforts and their time in order to concretize the goals they want for their students. Education reform may not be achieved with just one snap of a finger but that does not mean that teachers should stop trying there and then. For this very reason of reform, teachers and students are more motivated to strive toward success. Education reform is a right that must be made the most out of. It could be better opportunities for the teachers as well as the students. Once the school is presented an option to have an education, then they must seize it. It may be puzzling at first but the absence of education reform can have dire effects on the effective teaching in schools. Research shows that successful schools have reformed their education in relation to the demands of today’s information age. By viewing teaching as the central activity of organizations, more and more educational bodies are encouraging schools to take part of education reform. By proposing the norms, conducts, standards and practices which will serve as the central dialogue and observation of teaching, activities and practices that are related to providing a curriculum and materials needed by the school, students and teachers will be open to the recognition of teacher’s involvement in the whole educational reform process.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bob Marley Essay -- Biography Biographies Bio

Bob Marley is a name most people know but his accomplishments and dedication to music is often overlooked. Bob was more than just a reggae artist, he was an inspiration to the country of Jamaica. He was a role model to the poverty stricken island and gave hope to many people. Bob was born on February 6, 1945 in his grandfather's house. He was the son of a poor farm girl and a British naval Captain. Soon after his birth Bob's father, Norval Marley, left his mother. He remained responsible and provided financial support and occasionally came back to see them. In the 50's a depression hit Jamaica and Bob followed his mother to West Kingston also known as Trenchtown. It was in Trenchtown were Bob's love for music began. Bob Marley's music has given people everywhere hope for a better tomorrow. His life and involvement with the Rastafarian movement left an impact on the world that is still felt today. He sang of peace speaking out against slavery, poverty, and oppression. His philosophy was to send a message through his music that all people are equal and should unite together to make this world a much better place for our future generation. "Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny"(Stephens 2). When Bob Marley said this he was referring to the battle with the Americans and the Indians of the west, where slaves from Africa were forced to fight. He wrote the song "Buffalo Soldier" as a tribute to the injustice of the war. They were brought to America and forced to fight against the Native American Indians. The Indians called them buffalo soldiers because their hair was tightly woven and to them, it resembled the curly and matted buffalo's coat. In the line "Stolen from Africa, brought to America Fighting on arrival, figh... ...y never gave up on his goal for world peace. The point of many of these songs were that you will never loose until you give up your fight. If everyone gave up on the things they were doing once they had failed then where would the world be today? If the U.S. had surrendered in our first world war when one soldier was shot down would we have our great country today? No, we wouldn't because no one gets anywhere when they give up. No one has anything when they give up just another failure to write in their book of history that will most likely not be remembered. All of our great leaders had to try more than once to get what they fought for. Like George Washington fought for freedom for years and when he got it he was known as a great leader to America and it's future generations. Maybe if the world were like Bob Marley we could be further into the future than we are now.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Psychology of Adolescence Essay

BoysTown is a registered charity and a national organization for youth welfare in Australia. It focuses on helping disadvantaged youths who are at risk of social exclusion to enhance their quality of life (â€Å"Youth social†). It recognizes several causes of social exclusion among disadvantaged youths that need to be addressed, which include single parenthood, low self-esteem, physical and mental health problems, substance abuse, lack of work experience, functional illiteracy, and underdeveloped personal and vocational skills (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown also recognizes that most of the disadvantage youths came from families who have a history of intergenerational unemployment and welfare dependency and from Indigenous backgrounds (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown offers several social inclusion programs to help disadvantage youths to improve their life. The programs include Kids Helpline, Youth Programs, Indigenous community development, Family programs, and Intermediate labor markets. The key attribute of these programs is that they emphasized sustainable outcomes while they rely on safe strategies for working with youths who are at risk of social exclusion (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown’s Kids Helpline is a national telephone and web-based counseling program that provides services for more than 60,000 children and youths across the country. The Youth programs offer personal development, training and employment assistance to more than 3,500 youths in communities. BoysTown is collaborating with key stakeholders to work on a social inclusion project with four remote Indigenous communities in the East Kimberleys (â€Å"Youth social†). It also provides parenting programs and family refuges such as home-based support and training to make way for the transition of disadvantaged youths to the wider world (â€Å"Youth social†). The organization also operates various social enterprises and transitional employment programs in order to provide 400 youths per year with paid work and on-the-job training. There are various indicators that demonstrate the degree of social exclusion suffered by families and children, which include low-birth-weight babies, permanent exclusion from school, the number of children living in unemployed households, teenage pregnancy, low academic achievement, and the number of children aged 10-16 who are in young offender institutions (Pierson, 2002). The indicators of social exclusion at the level of community include overcrowded housing, a high percentage of households without a bank account, poor community participation, and high levels of burglaries (Pierson, 2002). The key forces that increases the likelihood of social exclusion are poverty and low income, lack of social supports and networks, lack of access to the labor market, the impact of the local neighborhood, and exclusion from services (Pierson, 2002). Pierson (2002) suggests ways to address social exclusion, which include maximizing income and securing basic resources; improving social networks and supports; collaborating in partnership with local organizations and agencies; developing channels of effective participation for users, local residents, and their organizations; and concentrating on whole neighborhoods. Socially excluded youths have a significant cost impact on society in terms of publicly-funded health services, justice system and social security costs, and the impact of decreased individual earning capacity, lost productivity, and decreased tax revenue (â€Å"Youth social†). The Australian government is investing in developing the capability of the not-for-profit organization to provide more holistic, community-based strategies to respond to social exclusion, especially among young people (â€Å"Youth social†). Models of intervention must be multi-dimensional and aimed at providing young people with a comprehensive range of support over an extended period of time (â€Å"Youth social†). They should also be based on a holistic approach in order for young people to overpower personal barriers; improve their strengths, health, well-being, life and interpersonal skills; develop their self-esteem and the ability to learn; and succeed in shifting to independent living, training or work, and further education (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown’s Youth programs are effective in helping youths who are at risk of social exclusion because they incorporate individual assessment, counseling, and support, life skills training, personal development and mentoring; vocational skills training, employment assistance; and post-placement support (â€Å"Youth social†). Young people must be provided assistance into paid employment by giving advice, training and other help that they need to make them more employable (Kemp, 2005). Focusing on individual agency such as young people’s attributes, qualifications, decision-making, and behavior allows young people to successfully transition from welfare to work (Kemp, 2005). The Kids Helpline at BoysTown is similar to a mentoring program that helps disadvantaged young people to tackle social exclusion. Mentoring consists of an informal educative role and personal support and encouragement (Pierson, 2002). Mentor acts as a trusted counselor or guide (Pierson, 2002). The goal of a mentoring or counseling program is to connect two individuals in a one to one voluntary relationship, with one individual being more experienced than the other and with the hope that their knowledge and skills will be transferred (Pierson, 2002). The key features of a mentoring relationship include a voluntary arrangement as required by the individual being mentored and can be ended by either party at any time, interpersonal skills of mentors to manage and monitor the relationship, and the understanding of both mentored and mentors about the boundaries and objective of the relationship (Pierson, 2002). Colley (2003) mentions the popularity of mentoring with policy-makers because it addresses their concerns such as the moralization of social exclusion. The author adds that the solution to social exclusion of young people depends on their re-engagement with the labor market and/or formal learning routes. The key role of mentoring is to provide a way for the re-engagement by changing young people’s values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior to engage their personal commitment to become employable (Colley, 2003). Mentoring helps young people in terms of empowering them, discussing aspirations, and making them more realistic about their view of work (Colley, 2003). It is also important to assist young people to attain skills in areas such as confidence building, problem solving, improvement of interpersonal skills, punctuality, and team working in order to enhance their personal effectiveness in the workplace (Colley, 2003). Moreover, mentoring is also important to help disadvantaged young people develop social networks and capital (Colley, 2003). It is necessary to create initiatives that involve young people not only in making decisions that affect them individually or on particular services but also in making decisions that influence their communities collectively (Pierson, 2002). Organizations led by young people play an important role in defining services and provide practical support for young persons (Pierson, 2002). The aim of the Indigenous community development at BoysTown is to help young people to re-engage in learning; increase community involvement in formal education and training; enhance access to sustainable mainstream employment opportunities; and develop training and work opportunities through community-based social business enterprises (â€Å"Youth social†). According to Pierson (2002), adolescent support teams have emerged rapidly during the early 1990s. The author adds that the aim of adolescent support teams is to divert youths from the care system and offer short-term preventive service that assists families prevent problems in relationships that might result to homelessness. The approach used by the adolescent support teams is preventive and based on time-limited, task-focused work (Pierson, 2002). Most of the work of the adolescent support teams involves negotiation and mediation between young people and parents (Pierson, 2002). BoysTown enterprises are involved in several community infrastructure development, asset maintenance, and urban renewal projects in disadvantaged areas (â€Å"Youth social†). Enterprise-based intermediate labor markets are effective in minimizing crime and anti-social behavior and in helping young people who are socially excluded to engage again with the labor market (â€Å"Youth social†). According to Aiken (2007), social enterprises are considered mission-driven organizations with a commitment to a specific disadvantaged group. The author adds that placement agencies function as intermediaries in searching and training people to move into work in the mainstream labor market. Social enterprises have often focused on the needs of socially excluded client groups (Aiken, 2007). Aiken (2007) mentions that the origin of social and community enterprises can be found in the mutual and cooperative sector in Great Britain. The author adds that the emergence of this movement has resulted to an important pattern which has focused on the economic development of poorer communities, including the importance of maintaining paid work. Intermediate Labor Market organizations focus on short-term training and employment with the goal of trainees transitioning into paid work in other organizations (Aiken, 2007). They may be working with disadvantaged people and will have a tendency to be reliant on some degree of public sector contracting. References Aiken, M. (2007). What is the role of social enterprise in finding, creating and maintaining employment? for disadvantaged groups? Retrieved June 14, 2009, from http://www. parracity. nsw. gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/22575/Cabinet_Office Colley, Helen (2003). Mentoring for social inclusion: A critical approach to nurturing mentor relationships. New York, NY: Routledge. Kemp, P. A. (2005) Young people and unemployment: From welfare to workfare. In M. Barry (Ed. ), Youth policy and social inclusion: critical debates with young people (pp. 139-156). New York, NY: Routledge. Pierson, J. (2002). Tackling social exclusion. New York, NY: Routledge. Youth social exclusion: A global concern. Retrieved June 14, 2009, from http://www. boystown. com. au/downloads/rep/BT-Youth-Social-Exclusion. pdf

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Understanding the Concept and Process of Marketing

Personal Development Plan |Column 1 |Column 2 |Column 3 |Column 4 |Column 5 |Column 6 |Column 7 | | | | | | | | | | | |SKILL |CURRENT |TARGET |DEVELOPMENT |CRITERIA FOR |TIME SCALE |EVIDENCE | | | |PROFICIENCY |PROFICIENCY |OPPORTUNITY |JUDGING SUCCESS | | | | | | | | | | | | |PRIORITY No 1. |Presentation skills |Competent enough for classroom but |Confident classroom |Make a presentation in Dr |Achieve at least a B Grade for my end |By the end of the |See â€Å"Self Assessment Template – | | | |nervous. Not professional standard. presenter |Smith’s tutorial group |of project presentation for Dr Patel |academic year |Presentation Skills† | | | | | | | | | | |PRIORITY No 2. |Written Skills |Technical descriptions ok but lack |Good descriptive writing|Show some of my work to |Achieve a 2. 1 in the Humanities |During my second year |See â€Å"Self Assessment Template – | | | |flair in presenting my â€Å"critical |and satisfactory |College Writing Fellow; | Programme assessments.Writing | |Communication Skills† | | | |thinking† |critical writing |prepare better essays for my |Fellow's opinion. My improved level of| | | | | | | |Humanities class. |confidence as writer. | | | | | | | | | | | | |PRIORITY No 3. Commercial Awareness |Interested in commercial issues, but |Practical knowledge |Participate in an industry |Find ; complete internship programme; |During the Summer |See â€Å"Self Assessment Template – | | | |do not have practical awareness | |summer internship programme |be able to talk † real business† with |Vacation period |Placement† | | | | | | |my tutor | | | | | | | | | | | | |PRIORITY No 4. Team working Skills |Poor – dislike working in teams, hate |Reliable and positive |Become a Student Union |Help organise a Society event; note |During my third year |See â€Å"Self Assessment Template – | | | |trusting my marks to others; hate |team member; competent |Society member; read about |how many of the skills I read about | |Teamwork† | | | |having to compromise my ideas |teamplayer |teamwork |were applied by me. Enjoy the | | | | | | | | |experience. | | | | | | | | | | | |PRIORITY No 5. |Leadership Skills |Lacking in confidence; not good at |Confident leader who can|Volunteer to lead on Spring |Group's satisfaction with me; project |During the Spring Term |See â€Å"Self Assessment Template – | | | |delegating and monitoring. |delegate |term group project. |mark; lecturer's feedback; my level of| |Tutorial† | | | | | | |confidence. | | |

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Anselm Kiefer essays

Anselm Kiefer essays Kiefer was born in 1945 and was raised in postwar Germany he was greatly affected by the atmosphere and his paintings reflect his attitudes and feelings towards his countrys history. Some of his works also spring from his interest into general history, mythology, philosophy, opera literature, and other art. His works are massive multimedia pieces that tend to be abstract. He uses a great deal of symbolism and representationalism in his works. Most of his works are large heavy mixed media pieces that usually have three-dimensional attachments made out of lead. He seems to have a great interest into the ancient practice of alchemy and this interest also seems to influence his works. Other elements that he sometimes mixes into his paintings are wire, straw, wood and various other materials that he affixes to his works to symbolize many different things in many of his works. He is a fascinating artist and I would truly enjoy the opportunity to study some of his works in person. Mere photographs and computer imagery does not do his work justice. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How fate and fortune affects their relationship Essay Example

How fate and fortune affects their relationship Essay Example How fate and fortune affects their relationship Essay How fate and fortune affects their relationship Essay Astrology played a leading role in peoples lives during Shakespeares time. People believed that stars and planets controlled their destiny. They also believed in things such as the wheel of fortune, which was thought to be controlled by a woman, thus the ups and downs of life. In many of his plays Shakespeares theme is fate and fortune, this was important in Elizabethan England because many people had faith in ups and downs of their daily lives and examples of such plays are Macbeth, Hamlet, Mid Summer Nights Dream as well as Romeo and Juliet.From the outset of the play, fate and fortune are seen to play a large role in the lovers lives. Romeo, at the beginning is suffering from heroes, Ay me, sad hours seem long. Not having that, which, having, makes them short. Out of her favour where I am in love. Fate dealt him a cruel blow as Rosaline will not love him back and has decided to turn to becoming a nun.Fortune comes in the guise of Benvolio who suggests they go to the Capulets Party where Romeo can choose from many pretty women. Be ruled by me, forget to think of her. By giving liberty in to their eyes examine other beauties. Ironically it is at this party where he meets Juliet and falls passionately in love.Prior to the party, Juliets mother places the seed of marriage and sexuality in to Juliets mind. Marry, that marry is the very theme I came to talk of. Tell me, daughter Juliet, How stands your dispositions to be married? Juliets mother asks her if she would give her self away to Paris. Fortune decrees that the young woman whos femininity has been awoken ironically meets and falls in love with Romeo not Paris.Fortune allows requited love between Romeo and Juliet. The Passion, electricity, and intensity of their love is explicitly shown. My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that touch with a tender kiss. Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this. For saints lips and holy palmers too? The sonnet the y recite together highlights their feelings and belief for each other. She in his eyes is perfection personified.Fate, however does not allow their happiness to flourish. Tybalts anger is obvious and he wishes for vague revenge. Patience perforce with wilful choler meeting make my flesh tremble in their different greeting, I will withdraw but this intrusion shall, now seeming sweet convert to bittrest gall. Both Romeo and Juliet learn that they are from enemy families. Is she a Capulet? O dear account! My life is my foes debt. My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, And known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, that I must love a loathed enemy. The feud will dominate their relationship.Romeo escapes from his friends at the end of the party as now, Juliet is the fulcrum around which his world revolves. Juliet questions why her love should be Romeo, her hated enemy. O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? It is the name that is the trouble not Rome o himself. Tis but thy name that is my enemy, The word not the person is at fault. The balcony is a symbol of the hammer that is trying to stop them, but Romeos vaulting up to Juliet shows that nothing will be allowed to get in the way of their love.The friar scolds Romeos constant falling in and out of love but agrees to marry him to Juliet believing the marriage would end the feud between the two families. Young mens love then lies not truly in their hearts but in their eyes. The marriage forges a fortunate alliance making the two families kinsmen. This, however, is what creates the downfall for the lovers.The marriage between Romeo and Juliet takes place and they believe that their love will blossom but fate refuses to give them this wish. Once they marry they believe they are at the peak of the wheel of fortune looks dominant. Fate closes in and wreaks havoc upon the couple, in the form of Tybalts anger.Tybalt seeks Romeo to torment and torture him for going to the Capulets part y and for the sake of the Feud. Romeo doesnt want to fight Tybalt because they are now kinsmen and it would be a fight against Juliet, his love. Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee, doth much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting villain ain I none, therefore farewell I see thou knowest me not, Mercutio is dealt with a mortal wound and dies by Tybalts sword.Romeo blames himself for Mercutios wound and is resentful of Tybalts insults and fears that his love for Juliet has weakened his courage. Learning that Mercutio is dead he swears to kill Tybalt. Once the murder takes place he runs away from Verona, Lady Capulet hears of her nephews death and demands Romeos death in return. Benvolio gets to tell the whole story of the two deaths. It is fortunes hand that decrees that Romeo is not executed after the several turns of fate.Juliets father does not want Juliet to be married immediately to Paris because he thinks she is not ready for a big sacrifice just yet, Ironicall y, she is already in love with Romeo. After their marriage but before their wedding night Juliet finds out that Romeo is banished and this is another cruel twist of fate. But fortune allows them to consumate their marriage.Juliets father then makes her wedding to Paris imminent, Once again fate interferes; To Juliet when she believes she is experiencing total happiness misfortune comes her way when she loses her nurse because the nurse advises her to commit bigamy. Juliet feels total isolation but fate doesnt leave her in that situation, Friar Lawrence feels he must support her and the vows she has made to God.His plan is well conceived. As a herbalist he offers Juliet a vial full of the most bitter and sweetest ingredients that would make her sleep as if she was dead. Fate would not allow there to be careful analysis of the situation. It continues to dominate while Friar Lawrences idea of the letter to be sent brings about circumstance he cannot control.In the final part of the pla y, fortune disappears altogether and only fate remains. The initial part of Friar Lawrences plan comes to frustration; everyone believes Juliet is dead. Fate, however continues to dominate and Romeo is told by a friend that Juliet is dead, from the moment they met the two lovers never envisioned life apart. Once Romeo hears about Juliets death he believes his life is worthless. He runs to a drug shop and asks the shop keeper for the most vulgar poison he can give. The owner refuses, Romeo however is so desperate he gives all his gold away to the owner and requests a poison that is so powerful it can kill twenty men in an instant, Once he receives the poison he doesnt want to kill his self in the open, he wants to lie beside his wife when he dies. Just when she awakens she finds Romeo beside her, she realises that he is dead; crying she tries kissing Romeo to get a bit of the poison passed onto her, it isnt enough to kill her, fate doesnt allow a bit of poison that is enough to kill twenty men to kill a single person, she picks up Romeos dagger and stabs into her self thinking that if they cannot live together here they can up there.Throughout the play, fate and fortune have played a role that provided the storyline with undulating highs and lows before fate took dominance allowing a small peak at the end when the two families acknowledged alliance. It took bloodshed to bridge a gulf of enmity when it could have only taken a few words of understanding to get them together.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

100 Spanish Words You Should Know

100 Spanish Words You Should Know Obviously, youre not going to be able to say everything you want to say with only 100 Spanish words - although you could do surprisingly well with fewer than 1,000. But if you can learn these 100 words and understand how theyre used, youll be a long way toward being able to communicate freely in Spanish. Definitions below are for quick reference; all the words can be translated in additional ways. Top 100 Spanish Words 1. gracias (thanks)2. ser (be)3. a (to)4. ir (to go)5. estar (to be)6. bueno (good)7. de (of, from)8. su (your, her, his, their)9. hacer (to do, to make)10. amigo (friend)11. por favor (please)12. no (no)13. en (on, in)14. haber (to have as an auxiliary verb)15. tener (to have, to possess)16. un, uno, una (a, one)17. ahora (now)18. y (and)19. que, quà © (that, what)20. por (for, by)21. amar (to love)22. quià ©n (who)23. para (for, to)24. venir (to come)25. porque (because)26. el, la, los, las (the)27. antes (before)28. ms (more)29. bien (well as an adverb)30. aquà ­, allà ­ (here, there)31. querer (to want, to love)32. hola (hello)33. tà º (you)34. poder (to be able)35. gustar (to be pleasing)36. poner (to put)37. casi (almost)38. saber (to know)39. como (like, as)40. donde (where)41. dar (to give)42. pero (but)43. se (itself, herself, himself, themselves)44. mucho (much)45. nuevo (new)46. cuando (when)47. chico, chica (boy, girl)48. entender (to understand)49. si (if)50.  o ( or)51. feliz (happy)52. todo (all, every)53. mismo (same)54. muy (very)55. nunca (never)56. yo, me (I, me)57. sà ­ (yes)58. grande, gran  (big, great)59. deber (to owe, should)60. usted (you)61. bajo (low, under)62. otro (other)63. salir (to leave)64. hora (hour; see also lesson on telling time)65. desde (from)66. ver (to see)67. malo, mal (bad)68. pensar (to think)69. hasta (until)70. tanto, tan (used in making comparisons)71. entre (between, among)72. durante (during)73. llevar (to wear, to carry)74. siempre (always)75. empezar (to begin)76. à ©l, ella, ellos, ellas (he, she, they)77. leer (to read)78. cosa (thing)79. sacar (to take out, to remove)80. conocer (to know)81. primero (first)82. andar (to walk)83. sobre (over, about)84. echar (to throw)85. sin (without)86. decir (to say)87. trabajar (to work)88. nosotros (we, us)89. tambià ©n (also)90. adià ³s (goodbye)91. comer (to eat)92. triste (sad)93. paà ­s (country)94. escuchar (to listen, to listen to)95. hombre (man)96. mujer (woman)97. le (in direct-object pronoun)98. creer (to believe, to think)99. encontrar (to find)100. beber (to drink) And a Few More Here are some other words that very well could have made the list: 101. hablar (to speak)102. ese, esa (demonstrative that; also see the demonstrative pronouns)103. baà ±o (bathroom)104. despuà ©s (afterwards, later)105. gente (people)106. ciudad (city)106. sentir (to feel)107. llegar (to arrive)108. pequeà ±o (small)109. escribir (to write)110. aà ±o (year)111. menos (minus, except)112. lo (various uses)113. cual (that, which)114. este, esta (this)115. dejar (to leave)116. parte (part)117. nada (nothing)118.  cada (each)119. seguir (to continue, to follow)120. partir (to divide)121. ya (still, already)122. parecer (to seem)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Realism in the play Mulatto written by Langston Hughes Essay

Realism in the play Mulatto written by Langston Hughes - Essay Example The realness of this protagonist comes from the fact that he resembles or represents a real person who exists, or had existed, in certain historical time and place. The representation of the protagonist in the physical world makes Robert, at certain level, a real person. The realness of the protagonist is made possible by the human reader him- or herself; Robert becomes alive within the mental frame of the reader. Upon â€Å"seeing† Robert’s character in the play, the sensible reader is able to grasp the resemblance or representation of this protagonist to the real world. Evidently, the real world that the reader perceives is a material and/or perceptual realm in which he or she possesses based from an aspect or element of knowledge. In lieu to the Mulatto play, the knowledge that is at work here is a historical one: racism in the early 20th-century South. Second, the Mulatto playwright uses real place-and-time continuum in narrating the drama’s reality. Mentioni ng the names Georgia and Eleanor Roosevelt suggests a particular geography and historical time-period in which the narrative takes place. Georgia, for one thing, is one of the States in America, which is located in its Southern region. Historically speaking, Georgia was a state that politically belonged to or supported the Confederate Government. And one of the objectives of the Confederate States was the maintenance or preservation of black slavery within its geopolitical domain. In the narrative, Hughes portrays the existence and persistence of slavery in the South through the symbolism or representation of Colonel Thomas Norwood, a slave owner from Georgia. The realness of the play comes from, among other elements, the spatial context of the narrative. Moreover, the name Eleanor Roosevelt is a very familiar name especially to the Americans, both North and South. She is well known for her civil-rights activities, particularly that which relates to women’s rights. Mrs. Roose velt is a historical figure who lived beyond the literary text. And the mere mention of her name in the Mulatto evokes the near reality of the drama: early 20th century. Third, Hughes employs dialogue that is ordinary or â€Å"real life† conversation. For instance, the phonology or textual character marked in the play sounds like real Southerners, especially the black people. The way the characters utter a word or two sounds like the speech prominent in the black community. In addition, the ideas or meanings contained in their utterances or dialogue are very similar to the context of everyday conversation. By and large, the Mulatto play written by Hughes utilizes, in an effective manner, realism as a literary device via the representations of its real characters, setting, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

EasyJet Airline exam note Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EasyJet Airline exam note - Essay Example A PEST analysis of the organisation is carried out to establish the macro-environmental impact on the firm. EasyJet operates in more than 30 countries that have do not have trade restrictions. This increases revenue since the firm can cover more areas. Due to the global terror threat, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, and Spain among other countries have put restrictions to ensure passenger safety. This has reduced travels to some extent. Governments have also put baggage restrictions for airlines along with passengers (Taneja, 2012, p.56; easyJet, 2013). The firm complies with various tax policies in its areas of operation. Most of the tax regulations are favourable to the firm, thus impacting positively on the flight operations. For example, the corporate tax policy in Europe is business-friendly. This has also enabled the process of optimisation in service delivery to meet the customer needs and requirements regardless of existing precedents and territories on implementing the system (Jones, 2012, p.34). The reduction of fuel costs have made the firm increase its revenue due to reduced operational costs, thus reducing the cost of capital for the firm (easy Jet, 2014). The reduction in fuel costs has also increased competition in the aviation industry as various airlines have reduced the ticket prices, thus making more customers use service and also leading to price wars (Katie, 2013, p.123). Besides, globalisation is projected to boost air traffic in the long run. More people are projected to travel due to increased interconnection among people across the globe. In the same way, as Europe becomes integrated; the introduction of the single currency is expected to bring more business to easyJet (easyJet, 2014). The Euro is used in over 19 nations among the member states of the European Union. The financial reports evidence that the firm is improving economically. At the moment, pound is against the

GATTACA film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

GATTACA film - Essay Example Specifically, Socrates writes the following: [H]e who has experience of the manner in which we order justice and administer the State, and still remains, has entered into an implied contract that he will do as we command him. He claims that those who do not obey commands are unjust because they have accepted parental training and education from the state. If they fail to convince the state otherwise, disobedience itself is a kind of crime against the state. Taking this definition on its surface, the character of Vincent Anton Freeman in GATTACA can be shown to violate his contract with the state by trying to rise above his genetically prescribed circumstances. There are many different examples available to show that Vincent refuses to accept his lot in the society of GATTACA. Three such examples will be shown here. First, from his early childhood, Vincent competes against his brother Anton in swimming contests. They swim out to sea and see which one gives up first and swims back. In these early contests, Vincent loses to his brother due to his brother’s superior genetic make-up. However, he continues trying to beat his brother rather than accepting this outcome. In the end, he learns to beat his brother by using all his strength to swim out, not saving anything for the swim back. In this example, he learns that his will can overcome his genetic destiny. Exercising this, he violates his supposed understanding with the state. Second, Vincent decides he wants to become an elite astronaut. In this choice, he also violates his implied contract, which should require him to accept a menial job not afforded those without superior genetics. In the mere decision to attempt to become more than is available to him, Vincent goes against the deterministic direction the state tells him he should accept. While one could make the argument that by attempting to leave earth and go to the stars, Vincent is in fact â€Å"leaving† the state, the fact that he uses state space programs in order to achieve his dreams of becoming more indicates that he has accepted the state’s material conditions without accepting its moral dictates. Third, and finally, the fact that Vincent uses deception to achieve his dream of becoming an astronaut shows that he violates his contract. He steals DNA from a person with a â€Å"superior† profile and uses this to impersonate a different identity. He even undergoes surgery to make himself taller, so that he won’t be detected. In doing this, he shows that, on one hand, he is willing to live within the state’s expectations, but on the other he does not accept its ultimate ordering of justice. He deceives the state while accepting the benefits that it affords him as he lives under that deception. GATTACA, in the end, poses questions about the justice of a state that is formed on genetic determinism. However, it is also an example of a citizen acting within such a state in a way that is, contrac tually speaking, unjust. By using the state for his own private ends, Vincent can be said to be unjust, in view of Socrates’ definition. The fact that we pull for him forces us to ask questions about this social contract and about the nature of justice generally. Second Prompt In her poem, â€Å"Ethics† Linda Pastan defines a situation in which a person must choose between saving a classic painting and another, older human being. She considers this question in light

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Covenant & treaty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Covenant & treaty - Essay Example The following is a list of these covenants. Man was made superior over all creations as he was the only being made in God’s image. God asks Adam and Eve to fill the earth and subdue it, and promises to give to them all seed bearing plants and trees. In the book of Genesis 9, God made a covenant with Noah. The covenant came right after the great flood that wiped out all the creators from the face of the earth leaving only Noah and his family together with the a couple of each animal species. God promised never again will He destroyed the world with rain and a rainbow became a sign of God’s reconciliation with mankind (Harris and Platzner 142). The rainbow is a reminder of what humanity faced and signifies the promise. The covenant with Abraham signifies a beginning of a creation of a new nation that was promised by God. In this covenant, God asks Abraham to leave his country and family for a new place. He promises Abraham will be made into a great nation and all the mankind will be blessed through him. Abraham absolutely trusts in God and does as asked (Harris and Platzner 144). The covenant marks the history of the Israelites and shows the redemption of these people. It is a conditional covenant by God to Moses which depended on the response of the people. Therefore, it meant that there would be blessings for obedience, but judgment for disobedience (Ex. 15:26; 19:3-8). Moses was promised that the Israelites will be God’s chosen treasured people. The laws that made the covenant, revealed Gods desire for the nation to be set apart from all other nations. David is promised an everlasting lineage and kingdom (Harris and Platzner 222). The covenant was made to re-create the relationship that was broken between God and the people. The promise was finally fulfilled in the New Testament as Jesus ruled over the nation. The covenant is made by God to all mankind. He promises to forgive and grant a universal knowledge of

Global Purchasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Purchasing - Essay Example Purchasing is central to any organization’s activity. They need to purchase raw materials, components and machinery in order to produce or manufacture products. It is stated by Williams (1975, 1985) that an organization’s primary purpose is to reduce negotiations around transactions and to reduce the scrutiny of the same later on. This means that good bargaining and settlement of beneficial terms and conditions ensure that problems do not surface later during delivery or the manufacturing process. It is clear that the profits that will be made on the sale of the product will be largely determined through the effective purchase itself. It is the responsibility of the purchasing department to make what is known as an effective purchase. A purchase is effective when the best price is obtained subject to best delivery schedule and in conformity to the quality parameters that have been explained and accepted by both the supplier and the purchaser. Apart from this, the terms and conditions must also be suitable and not detrimental to the purchaser. There are three types of purchase. One is purchase of Routine Products that are of low financial value not complex and their nature, quality, consistency and value can be determined easily. They are readily available and purchase departments do not spend too much time on their procurement as otherwise the procurement can become more costly than the product itself. Here the relationship with the supplier is nominal. The other type is purchase of Bottleneck Products that are products with a low financial risk and a high complexity. Professional purchasers spend time and money in their determination and in simplifying the relationship with the supplier in order to reduce their complexity. The supplier has the power in this relationship (Five Force Analysis: Porter M.E) and the purchaser is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Covenant & treaty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Covenant & treaty - Essay Example The following is a list of these covenants. Man was made superior over all creations as he was the only being made in God’s image. God asks Adam and Eve to fill the earth and subdue it, and promises to give to them all seed bearing plants and trees. In the book of Genesis 9, God made a covenant with Noah. The covenant came right after the great flood that wiped out all the creators from the face of the earth leaving only Noah and his family together with the a couple of each animal species. God promised never again will He destroyed the world with rain and a rainbow became a sign of God’s reconciliation with mankind (Harris and Platzner 142). The rainbow is a reminder of what humanity faced and signifies the promise. The covenant with Abraham signifies a beginning of a creation of a new nation that was promised by God. In this covenant, God asks Abraham to leave his country and family for a new place. He promises Abraham will be made into a great nation and all the mankind will be blessed through him. Abraham absolutely trusts in God and does as asked (Harris and Platzner 144). The covenant marks the history of the Israelites and shows the redemption of these people. It is a conditional covenant by God to Moses which depended on the response of the people. Therefore, it meant that there would be blessings for obedience, but judgment for disobedience (Ex. 15:26; 19:3-8). Moses was promised that the Israelites will be God’s chosen treasured people. The laws that made the covenant, revealed Gods desire for the nation to be set apart from all other nations. David is promised an everlasting lineage and kingdom (Harris and Platzner 222). The covenant was made to re-create the relationship that was broken between God and the people. The promise was finally fulfilled in the New Testament as Jesus ruled over the nation. The covenant is made by God to all mankind. He promises to forgive and grant a universal knowledge of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Managerial Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managerial Finance - Essay Example Managerial accounting is in general used by the management team of the company for translating the trends and signals available from the financial information. Different levels of managers often use this information in a somewhat different manner in their own wisdom. The information is often used for Break even analysis, Measuring and evaluating the monthly, quarterly or annual performances or Preparing the targets for production and services.Managerial accounting is in general used by the management team for translating the trends and signals available from the financial information. Different levels of managers often use this information in a somewhat different manner in their own wisdom. The information is often used for Break even analysis, Measuring and evaluating the monthly, quarterly or annual performances or Preparing the targets for production and services.Financial This type of accounting gives an idea to people from outside the company as well as stakeholders from within the company to arrive at a decision regarding their decision to continue with the company or look for a better opportunity. Financial accounting provides information like;ï‚ § Profit and loss figures for the company over a financial year or select period of timeï‚ § Reserves and surpluses being maintained by the companyï‚ § Dividend payouts by the company in the recent pastï‚ § Nature of funding for the company e.g. debt or equityï‚ § Proportion of dependence on finances from outside the company’s own reservesï‚ § Number of stakeholders in the business.... Financial Accounting: This type of accounting gives an idea to people from outside the company as well as stakeholders from within the company to arrive at a decision regarding their decision to continue with the company or look for a better opportunity. Financial accounting provides information like; Profit and loss figures for the company over a financial year or select period of time Reserves and surpluses being maintained by the company Dividend payouts by the company in the recent past Nature of funding for the company e.g. debt or equity Proportion of dependence on finances from outside the company's own reserves Number of stakeholders in the business Operating ratios for assessing the financial health of the company Adherence to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Number and types of external reports generated Judicious plans of the company for disbursing the profits Such information helps investors in looking for long-term or short-term targets for the investments being done in the ABX Company. It is worthwhile here to mention that individual shareholders, banking and financial institutions keep watch on the figures being communicated by the company from time to time. While on the one hand for an individual investor the dividend payouts and the price of the share in the stock market holds the key, the banking and financial institutions keep a close watch on a range of figures like operating ratios, profit margins, PE ratios etc. Therefore, even the dividend payouts and higher prices of company's share on the stock exchanges may not be attractive enough for the banks and financial institutions to advance finances for expansion and diversification. The financial accountant helps in preparing all such reports for the outside to

Monday, October 14, 2019

Morality of Management Earnings Essay Example for Free

Morality of Management Earnings Essay The term â€Å"Earnings Management† is a form of â€Å"number smoothing† used by a company’s management to manipulate or influence the companys earnings to match a pre-determined dollar amount. This is done in an attempt to keep financials stable, as opposed to showing financial fluctuations. When a company appears to be stable it has a greater chance of attracting investors, which in turn demands higher share prices. When a company is able to have higher share prices, the more likely they are to draw new investors. Likewise, a company that has low share prices is often a reflection of a company that is not doing well financially (Investopedia, 2009, para 2). Often, companies perform abusive earnings management practices in an effort to â€Å"make the numbers† (Inevestopedia, 2009, para 4). In order to do this, management may be tempted to â€Å"make up† numbers as a means of drawing investors or to make their company appear financially stronger than what it actually is. The methods used in earnings management can be varied, and may be done through manipulation of financial numbers or operating procedures (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 84). In a study conducted by the National Association of Accountants, a questionnaire was prepared which described 13 observed earnings management situations (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 83). Below are five listed generalizations that can be made by the study findings regarding short-term earnings management practices. 1. Respondents of the survey felt that earnings management practices utilizing accounting methods to be less acceptable than methods of operating procedure manipulation (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 84). Manipulation of operations can include something as simple as pushing shipping to the last day of the fiscal quarter or asking customers to take early delivery of goods (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). Another example is when companies make â€Å"Unusually  attractive terms to customers† or â€Å"Deferring necessary expenditures to a subsequent year† (Rosenzweig ; Fischer, 1994, para 5). According to survey responses, practitioners had fewer ethical dilemmas when using operational earnings management tactics compared to those involving accounting methods (Rosenzweig ; Fischer, 1994, para 7). 2. When it came to accounting, survey respondents felt that increasing earnings reports to be less acceptable than the decreasing of earnings reports (As quoted by Gibson, pg. 84). Managers appear to be more comfortable in reducing the overall company profit when reserves show elevated numbers (As cited by Gibson, p. 85). It would seem that management might assume that if their reserve numbers are high, then reducing them to show lessor profitability acceptable. If the money is genuinely there, then what is the harm in reducing the profit amount to meet a designated number? However, when it came to reporting profit increases, managers were hesitant in determining what earnings management methods would be ethical and which would not. 3. Generalization #3 is similar to generalization number two where ethics are concerned. Respondents felt that if earnings management tactics were kept small that it was more acceptable than if the effects were large (As cited by Gibson, p. 84). When manipulations of numbers or operating procedures are kept to smaller changes, managers seem to feel it more justifiable and acceptable. For instance, if management were asked to show an increase of sales by $12,000.00, such manipulations would be more ethical than if asked to increase sales by $120,000.00. Likewise, if production costs were delayed for advertising to meet a quarterly budget it would be more acceptable than if production costs for advertising were delayed to meet the end of year fiscal budget. This also ties in to generalization #4, the time period of the end effect. 4. Time periods play a large part in determining how ethical earnings management practices are. As described above, when asked to alter numbers or operating procedures in an effort to make quarterly forecasts, managers seemed to feel this practice to be more acceptable. When asked to alter numbers or operating procedures for annual reports, however, the line between ethical and questionable is blurred. 47% of respondents to the survey felt that earnings management practices that were made to meet an interim quarterly budget to be ethical, while only 41% felt that such manipulations in order to make an annual budget to be ethically sound (As  cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). 5. When asked whether it was acceptable to offer special extended credit terms to customers in an attempt to increase profits, only 43% of survey respondents felt the practice to be ethical. However, when asked if the same end result would be ethical if achieved through ordering overtime to ship as much product as possible at years-end, 74% of respondents felt this manipulation to be ethical (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). A staggering 80% of survey respondents felt that selling excess assets as a means of realizing a profit to be ethical, while only 16% felt it would be questionable (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). Short-term earnings management procedures, while questionable, are often legal. The alteration of financial information in an attempt to meet budgets or as a way to show profitability is often alluring and an â€Å"easy† way to draw investors. Managers who use earnings management tactics must take into consideration the impact such actions may have with key stakeholders (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 86). When numbers are skewed favorably, it gives stakeholders a false sense of security in their investments. Companies who engage in short-term earnings management practices often set themselves up for losses over time. When numbers are adjusted to make a quarterly or yearly dollar amount, chances are the following quarter will find the company in the negative. Such practices are rarely foolproof and care must be taken when making earnings management practice decisions. Focusing on long-term earnings management practices are ultimately more favorable, but in order to be effective management must remain committed to consistent operational procedures. Forecasting the product needs of customers and looking ahead are key strategies for keeping sales income at a consistent level. Waiting until the last minute to offer customers generous credit terms in an effort to boost end of year or quarterly sales is a short-term answer at best. Looking at the purchase history of customers and integrating theses sales number into future budgets should help alleviate the need to resort to last minute scrambling to make budget targets.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Experiment

White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Experiment Abstract White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) continues to cause huge economic losses in the aquaculture farms due to rapid spread and broad host range. In this study, we synthesized a novel synthetic compound 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluoro benzisoxazole 2 and were screened for antiviral activity against WSSV using fresh water crabs Paratelphusa hydrodomous (Herbst). In vivo bio-assay was carried out to determine the antiviral activity. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Histopathology were used for the analysis of bio-assay. Overall result shows that the novel compound has strong antiviral potency against WSSV. Keywords: Paratelphusa hydrodomous, White spot syndrome virus, Synthetic compound, RT-PCR, Histopathology. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a highly pathogenic whispovirus belongs to the family Nimaviridae responsible for causing white spot disease, leads to 100 % mortality within 3-10 days of infection in farmed shrimp (Sudheer et al., 2012). Several antiviral and immunostimulatory compounds are identified from terrestrial plants as well as from the marine origin were tested against WSSV. For example; Sulfated galactans isolated from red seaweed (Gracilaria fisheri) exhibited immunostimulant and resistance against WSSV in Penaeus monodon (Wongprasert et al., 2014), Aqueous extract of Cynodon dactylon showed strong antiviral activity against WSSV in marine shrimp (Balasubramanian et al., 2007). Synthetic compounds like Piperidines and Benzisoxazoles are important group of heterocyclic compounds in the field of medicinal chemistry. These compounds have significant biological and pharmacological properties like anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial, and anticancer activities (Gaba et al., 2014; Ramalingan et al., 2004) (Ramalingan, 2004 #21;Gaba, 2014 #22). Many fluorinated, benzisoxazole derivatives are currently used in the treatment of diseases (Prasad et al., 2009). In such a way, there is an immediate need for non-toxic drug to treat WSSV disease. Thus the present study was carried out to determine the antiviral activity and protective effect of a novel synthesized compound 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluorobenzisoxazole 2 (Fig. 1) against WSSV infection in fresh water rice-field crab P. hydrodomous, it was highly susceptible to WSSV (Sahul Hameed et al., 2001). A synthesis of novel 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluorobenzisoxazole was carried out under mild reaction conditions using 1.2 equivalents of calcium hypochlorite. Interestingly, the developed method does not involve any additives like acids or bases and provides 96 % of isolated yields at room temperature. This novel molecule, 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluorobenzisoxazole 2 was stable at ambient conditions and stereo chemistry was established the single crystal XRD technique. The materials were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, Merck and were used without any additional purification. All reactions were monitored by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Melting points were recorded on an Elchem digital melting point apparatus in open capillaries and are uncorrected. The 1H NMR was measured on a Bruker Avance-400 MHz instrument at room temperature. The 1H NMR was measured for ~0.03 M solutions in CDCl3 using TMS as internal reference. The accuracy of the 1H shifts is considered to be 0.02 p pm. The coupling constants J are in Hertz. Mass spectra were obtained using ESI mass spectrometry. 6-fluoro-3-(piperidin-4-yl) benzisoxazole 1 (5 g, 22.7 mmol) was taken into the round bottom flask dissolved in 50 mL of acetonitrile. To this calcium hypochlorite (3.9 g, 27.3mmol) was slowly added over ten to twenty minutes. Reaction was monitored by TLC. After the reaction completion, reaction mass was filtered and salts was washed with acetonitrile. Solvent was dried under reduced pressure. Crude solid was purified by column chromatography to give 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluorobenzisoxazole 2 in 96 % (5.54g, 21.8mmol) as pale yellow color solid. The structure of the N-chloro benzisoxazole was conà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ rmed from their spectral data from NMR, ES Mass and single crystal XRD. Mp: 81-83oC; 1H NMR (CDCl3, 400 MHz) d (ppm): 7.71-7.08 (m, 3H), 3.65 (d, 2H), 3.22 (t, 3H), 2.36-2.15(m, 4H); 13C NMR (CDCl3, 100 MHz) d (ppm): 165.3, 163.9, 162.8, 159.9, 122.6, 122.2, 122.1, 116.9, 112.4, 97.6, 97.4, 32.9; MS (ESI) m/z Calcd: 254.1, found: 253 (M-1); Single crystal crystal data 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluoro benzisoxazole 2 Mol. Formula:C12H12ClFN2O; CCDC reference number is 878706; Intensity data were collected on an APEX CCD diffract meter equipped with Mo–Ka (l = 0.7107 A °) radiation; Cell length a =5.8979(4); Cell length b=10.4965(7); Cell length c=19.1492(12); Cell Angle ÃŽ ±=90.0; Cell Angle ÃŽ ²=91.783; Cell Angle ÃŽ ³=90.0; Cell Volume=1184.90(11); The crystallographic data for N-chloro benzisoxazole have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. Copies of this information may be obtained free of charge from the Director, CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ, UK [Fax: 44(1223)336033, or http://]. The crabs P. hydrodomous (20-25 g body weight) were collected from the rice field located at kalavai, Vellore, India. Crabs were transported to the laboratory. A previous method was followed for maintaining the crabs and preparation of WSSV inoculum (Nambi et al., 2012). For in vivo determination of antiviral activity, the healthy crabs were divided into three groups contains 3 crabs per group and each trial was conducted in triplicates. Crabs in the group I were injected with 100  µl of a mixture of viral suspension and NTE buffer which served as positive control. In Group II crabs were injected with NTE buffer alone served as negative control. In Group III crabs were injected with viral suspension, novel compound and NTE buffer served as treated. The viral suspensions for all groups were incubated at room temperature for 3 h. Later it was injected into respective experimental groups intramuscularly. The experimental animals were examined twice per day for gross signs of disease, and the number of deaths was recorded until end of the experiment. Animals in the treated and negative control group were survived without any mortality and sign of WSSV infection until end of the experiment. Whereas the positive control group reached 100 % mortality at 7th day of post injection with gross signs including reduced feed consumption, less active in slow in movement. The observation of this bio-assay was plotted in a cumulative mortality graph (Fig. 2). Hemolymph from all the 3 groups was collected for hematological analysis (Total hemocyte count and clotting time). In positive control, there were significant reduction in total hemocyte counts as well as the hemolmph was failed to clot. No significant hematological changes were observed in between the negative and treated groups. For RT-PCR analysis; Gill, head-soft tissue, heart and muscle tissue were excised from each crabs of the experimental group and pooled together for extraction of total RNA using Trizol (Invitrogen, USA) according to the manufacturers instructions. cDNA was synthesized from 1.0ÃŽ ¼g of the total RNA using a One-step Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen, USA) as per the kit instructions and used as template for gene expression analysis of WSSV specific primer VP28. ÃŽ ²-actin served as an internal control for RNA quality and amplification efficiency. The sequences of primers used in this present study were given in Table 1. The cycling conditions are initial denaturation at 95 °C for 5 min followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95 °C for 30 sec, annealing at 50 °C for 30 sec and extension at 72 °C for 30 sec with a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The amplified PCR products were electrophoresed in 1.0 % agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide and visualized by ultraviole t transilluminator. There were no bands was found for negative control and all the tissue cDNA templates from the treated crabs, a band came at 615 bp for positive control (Fig. 3A). Bands came well for the same templates subjected to ÃŽ ²-actin PCR (Fig. 3B). For histological analysis, a small portion of gill and head-soft tissue was taken from all the three experimental groups and was fixed in Davidson’s fixative for subsequent histological preparations (Bell and Lightner, 1988) with haematoxylin and eosin according to the standard protocol. The stained sections of gills and head-soft tissue from the control crabs show no histopathological changes (Fig. 4A 4B). Whereas in the positive control cells having hypertrophied nuclei with intranuclear inclusions typical for WSSV infection (Fig. 4C 4D). No significant changes were observed in treated group (Fig. 4E 4F) indicates no WSSV infection. In conclusion, a novel compound 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluorobenzisoxazole 2 derivatives showed strong antiviral activity against WSSV in fresh water crabs P. hydrodomous. This works may help to design a novel non-toxic drug to treat WSSV infection. Acknowledgements References Balasubramanian, G., Sarathi, M., Kumar, S.R., Hameed, A., 2007. Screening the antiviral activity of Indian medicinal plants against white spot syndrome virus in shrimp. Aquaculture 263, 15-19. Bell, T.A., Lightner, D.V., 1988. A handbook of normal penaeid shrimp histology. World aquaculture society, Baton Rouge, LA. Gaba, M., Singh, S., Mohan, C., 2014. Benzimidazole: An emerging scaffold for analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 76, 494-505. Nambi, K.N., Majeed, S.A., Raj, N.S., Taju, G., Madan, N., Vimal, S., Hameed, A.S., 2012. In vitro white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) replication in explants of the heart of freshwater crab, Paratelphusa hydrodomous. J. Virol. Methods 183, 186-195. Natividad, K.D.T., Nomura, N., Matsumura, M., 2008. Detection of White spot syndrome virus DNA in pond soil using a 2-step nested PCR. J. Virol. Methods 149, 28-34. Prasad, S.B., Vinaya, K., Kumar, C.A., Swarup, S., Rangappa, K., 2009. Synthesis of novel 6-fluoro-3-(4-piperidinyl)-1, 2-benzisoxazole derivatives as antiproliferative agents: A structure–activity relationship study. Invest. New Drugs 27, 534-542. Ramalingan, C., Balasubramanian, S., Kabilan, S., Vasudevan, M., 2004. Synthesis and study of antibacterial and antifungal activities of novel 1-[2-(benzoxazol-2-yl) ethoxy]-2, 6-diarylpiperidin-4-ones. Eur. J. Med. chem. 39, 527-533. Sahul Hameed, A., Yoganandhan, K., Sathish, S., Rasheed, M., Murugan, V., Jayaraman, K., 2001. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in two species of freshwater crabs (Paratelphusa hydrodomous and P. pulvinata). Aquaculture 201, 179-186. Sudheer, N., Philip, R., Singh, I.B., 2012. Anti–white spot syndrome virus activity of Ceriops tagal aqueous extract in giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Arch Virol. 157, 1665-1675. Wongprasert, K., Rudtanatip, T., Praiboon, J., 2014. Immunostimulatory activity of sulfated galactans isolated from the red seaweed Gracilaria fisheri and development of resistance against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in shrimp. Fish Shellfish immunol. 36, 52-60. Table 1 Primers used for the RT-PCR Primer name Sequence (5’- 3’) Annealing temperature Product size VP28-F ATG GAT CTT TCT TTC AC VP28-R TTA CTC GGT CTC AGT GC 50à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ °C 615 bp ÃŽ ²-actin-F ÃŽ ²-actin-R GTG CCC ATC TAC GAG GGA TA GTG TTG GCG TAC AGG TCC TT 55à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ °C 404 bp Fig. 1. Single crystal ORTEP diagram of the 3-(1-chloropiperidin-4-yl)-6-fluoro benzisoxazole 2 Fig. 2. Cumulative mortality graph for the experimental groups. Fig. 3. (A) RT-PCR of WSSV envelope protein VP28 in different organs of treated group. Lane 1, 100 bp DNA marker; 2, WSSV positive control; 3, negative control; 4, gill; 5, head-soft tissue; 6, heart; 7, muscle tissue. (B) RT-PCR results of the same samples for ÃŽ ²-actin gene. Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of tissue from crabs of experimental groups: 4A gill and 4B head-soft tissue of negative control showing normal cells (Arrow); 4C gill and 4D head-soft tissue of positive control showing hypertrophied nuclei with intranuclear inclusions (Arrow); 4E gill and 4F head-soft tissue of treated group showing uninfected (Arrow). Original magnification: 1000 X.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Why Hamlet is a Tragic Hero and the Play a Classic Tragedy :: essays research papers

Dear Kylie, I noticed your submission to Culture Magazine, regarding Shakespeare’s great play â€Å"Hamlet†. Having recently studied â€Å"Hamlet† in Year 12 English, I think I can help answer one of your questions. You asked why is Hamlet regarded as a tragic hero and the play a classic tragedy? Before I can answer your question, you must first understand the difference between the meaning of tragedy today and what is meant by tragedy in drama. Whereas a tragedy in life may be considered something such as a death or accident, in drama a tragedy in drama is much more. In a tragedy, although the hero may be in conflict with an opposing force, the cause of his downfall falls ultimately on himself. This is usually because of a character defect – a â€Å"tragic flaw† which causes him to act in a way which ends up bringing about his own misfortune, suffering and ultimately death. â€Å"Hamlet† is very much a tragedy, but it is also different, being a revenge tragedy where the hero is driven by the need for revenge, not unlike a modern day horror movie. Prince Hamlet is a tragedy of character where it is himself that brings his downfall, not fate. Well Kylie, a tragedy is usually a story of one person, with both the hero victims in the play usually of a high standing of society. This is especially the case in â€Å"Hamlet†, with his victims being King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Polonious, Laertes, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, all being linked to the Royal Family of Denmark. A personality fault (the tragic flaw) causes the hero to act in a manner which brings about his own misfortune and eventually death, during which he lets the audience know he is dying by delivering a final speech. In â€Å"Hamlet†, it is his tragic flaw of his indecisiveness and inability to act, which brings his own suffering and misfortune. Had he been able to kill King Claudius in the beginning none of the suffering would have occurred. He also delivers his final speech telling the audience of his death, â€Å"I am dead Horatio. Wretched queen, adieu!† he exclaims after being poisoned by Laertes envenomed rapier. In a tragedy the pity and fear (known in drama as pathos) is ultimately replaced by an uplifting and suffering (known in drama as catharsis) Hamlet’s acts cause suffering but in the end ultimately achieve learning. Hamlet’s ultimate death teaches the country of Denmark about Claudius’s murder and brings them under the reins of a new ruler Fortinbras of Norway.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Your MBA classmates

Describe yourself to your MBA classmates. (You may use any method to convey your message: words, illustrations, etc. ) I grew up in a small fishing village in Maine, surrounded by family. Expectations and aspirations are limited in such an environment. I could have made a living exploiting the sea, but chose to do similar work as a corporate executive. Although I have no siblings, my hometown contains over fifty family members, and our agenda of family activities is always packed.Most of my family is employed in the commercial fishing ndustry, which instilled in me at a very young age, the concept of work. At age eleven, I started babysitting and mowing lawns, and at the age of fifteen I applied for my lobster license. The first summer with my license, I took a Job as a sternperson with a fellow female. We were the only two females out there, which was definitely an experience. When the lobstering season ended that year, I took a Job at a grocery store bagging groceries.I saved enoug h money to build a boat and to buy fifty lobster traps; I was on my way. The following summer I continued to work as a sternperson, and I also fished my own traps. I continued lobstering throughout the rest of high school and college, and It helped me finance my college education. In addition to being ambitious and motivated enough to put my heart Into even mundane, low-level tasks, I am also extremely organized. This Is one characteristic that has always received praise. I pay particular attention to detail, which I believe has contributed to my success thus far.I take pride In my work, and I look at It as a epresentation of myself. In my position at Sanford Bernstein as a Consultant Liaison, I market my firm to the financial consulting community. Maintaining the Integrity of the firm Is vital and errors are disastrous. When training new group members, I stress this point most thoroughly. I work In a group that currently has six members. The group serves as a central source of Info rmation for the firm, and Its success relies on an extraordinary amount of cooperation from each of us.As a senior member, I am able to contribute to the roup In several wap Including: training group members, controlling the quality of the group's output, managing and accurately completing multiple requests with short turnaround times, gathering and conveying Information from senior Investment professionals, collecting and calculating data, malntalnlng databases, overseeing projects aimed at making long-term Improvements to the group's processes, and strengthening my own foundation of knowledge to be used as a resource.Recently, as the result of a manager leaving the firm, I have also taken on some of the anagerial responslbllltles for the group Including prlorltlzlng and delegating assignments. Though I am an excellent team player, In business school I would Ilke to sharpen my appearance in order to get my point across.I hope to improve my negotiating skills and to gain more experi ence in getting group members to carry their own weight. At the same time, I do not want to become a tyrant. To be effective, it is important for a manager to maintain the proper balance of power and compassion. Only in this way, will I be able to lead a team of people to realizing the goals of a firm.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Do You Like Surprises ? Why?

To be surprised is for the flow of life to reach you personally, to be a participant in the unpredictability of life, for better or for worse. To never be surprised is to live an incredibly sheltered life, or to be completely insensitive to the ebb and flow of live around you. I often like to be surprise even from the childhood. My surprises come just on holidays such as St. Nicholas or Santa Claus.I remember when my parents tried for years to make for us my holiday surprises, like putting at foot tree or in boots various gifts that always surprises me with joy. Lately, when I got married my husband was the one who started to make for me different surprises, surprised me with things material or spiritual. I remember with nostalgia, when I was kid looking forward to the winter holidays? to receive gifts. I have long believed in Santa Claus a holiday and in holy Romanian Orthodox calendar, where it comes my name â€Å"Nicoleta†.I love more than Santa Claus because my mom always surprises me with gifts twice. Once she put it in my shoes toy, candy, and later surprised me with cake, cookies, and we celebrate a birthday with neighbor’s children or from school that were my guest’s surprise. Nowadays, although I grew up with my mother surprised with call or gifts when we are closed. My husband the second person in my life who conquered surprises me is my husband. He fell in love with me since the first moment of surprise.We have met on the Internet, and the first surprise that I did it after two months of online conversation was coming to Romania to see me. Of course, he came laden with gifts for the whole family, although we do not knew very well. I thought he was a nice gesture and I took it as a charity. Another surprise was when he comeback next time with Engagement ring and he asked me to be his wife. However, after that come more, and more surprises from his part and my life became changes. In conclusion, I like to make surprises as well as to accept them,

Manager interview paper

The success or failure of an organization highly depends on how the manager drives the people to achieve effectiveness. The study is conducted to identify the general responsibilities of a manager and how the manager handle its people in order to leverage them to move forward and dream big for the organization. The study will highlight the day-to-day activities and responsibilities of a manager based on existing concepts and theories. It will also try to assess how a manager will approach various problems of employees in attaining success of the organization. The selected manager is currently a Manager of a Natural Resource Management Program implemented in different regions. He has been in the program as a manager for eight years now. He handles 20 people who are under different positions such as Finance Officer, Administrative Staff, Researcher, Social Marketing and   Events Organizer and General Services. †¢ General Background and Responsibilities Different roles and responsibilities of a manager were ascertained in the course of the interview. The manager has been in the business for 10 years but assigned as manager for eight years. The interview evolved into the responsibilities of a manager. The top most tasks or duties of a manager are to select, supervise, and support a team. This looks like a little responsibility but this spells a lot especially that the objective is to manage and supervise the program efficiently. Selecting is one of the difficult parts as a manager. This is where the manager matches the job of the person into the skills and abilities. Before assigning a certain person in a job the person applying for a position are thoroughly selected and deliberated. It is not easy assigning a person with a job that is not suited to his abilities and skills or the objectives of the organization may fail. The second top of the responsibility of a manager is plan and supervise. A clear plan with clear strategies is needed in starting up an organization that leads to accomplishment. The plan matters in any way and anyhow. This is like a â€Å"diary† of every manager in implementing and monitoring the program itself.   After selecting an appropriate person in a job suited to him it is now the task of the manager to supervise him and teach him with the organization’s strategies in order to deliver his outputs properly. The manager sees to it that the work being done by his subordinates is appropriate and accurate. Another task related to this is supervising the selected employees to do their work expected from them. The third task is support, which is equally important with other responsibilities. This is where the manager develops the sense of belongingness of an employee in a certain organization because of always reminding to them that they are part of the organization and that any success or failure would also be their success or otherwise. Trainings, seminars and other skill enhancing activities are done to develop more their skills. Support given to the employees is always maintained. In relation to this also, open communication between the employees and the manager is extended. Being a manager is not an easy task. The day-to-day meeting with the higher bosses and the meeting with the staff is a job that requires patience and endurance. Everyday the manager is faced with different problems may it be technical, financial and even personal problems from the employees. The most liked part of being a manager is the privilege to any sort of privileges. The manager always travels, meet new people, attend conferences and among others. This is like the But one of the least liked parts of it is managing employees. And sometimes much harder is managing employees with attitude. This is the hardest part because they are the fuel to the organization’s success. †¢ Managing Employees The manager handles 20 employees who are holding different positions. These positions require diverse skills, abilities and talents. These in turn should be given attention in order to be enhanced and attain growth not only for the benefit of the employee but of the organization as well. Managing the employees is one of the hardest parts to do. The organization especially the manager is tasked to carefully manage its people, motivate them in any way and lead them to where the organization wants it to be. Attaining success of the organization can be achieved if the workforce involved are suitably motivated and led with authority. Motivation. Motivation of employees to work harder is linked also with the performance appraisal. In performance appraisal, the employee is assessed accordingly based on its tasks and responsibilities to improve the quality of the work. Appraisal is often used with tools such as 360-degree feedback where everyone who is connected with the employee is asked to give their assessment to the person involved within the duration of the project. Results of this will be consolidated and identify certain strategies on how to maximize the strengths and improve weaknesses of employees. In motivation theory, rewards are given to the employee who has performed way above the expected from them. This may be in the form of salary increase, promotion from one position to a higher position or the equivalent of it in some offices. This is true with Mayo’s theory that an employee can do better in his job if there will be an open communication lines, teamwork and with interaction with the manager. Several theories came out like of Maslow’s five levels of need, Herzberg’s theory of motivators and de-motivators, Vroom’s theory on the good performance will reap rewards, and Skinner’s theory of reinforcement.   These are all worth contribution in refining the theories behind motivating an employee (Blair, 2005). Lead. The key to leadership is to lead. An employee must see with his own-two eyes that the leader they are going to follow possesses good leadership skills. Coaching is one way also of leading an employee. Not all of the topics are familiar with the newly hired employees and who are still struggling to blend with the group in an organization. This is the best way to teach and guide the employees to work hard and give their best in their endeavours. Develop skills of staff especially sending to trainings and workshops where the employee can voice out their issues. The word leadership should emanate from the manager itself to make the employee understand what leadership is. This should be coupled with authority. Another way of leading is ensuring that they get enough commensuration based on what they do not on number of hours they worked for it. Manages ethics and ethical accountability. In reprimanding someone because he did not do his job always emphasize that you are angry with the results of the work he handled and not of who he is as a person. Direct to the point conversations and giving feedback is highly appreciated by employees. Respect is always important in handling employees. This will gain also respect from the staff and later on it would not be too difficult to open up and voice out opinions of what the employee thinks. Much more to this is always delegating work to the subordinates. This is not just to lessen the jobs of a manager but also giving the employee the chance to grow and understand the things around him. This also contributes hugely to the self-esteem of the employee because the privilege to be part of the success of a certain project. Feedbacks from the staff are also important in making the organization work. This is one move to ensure that the strategies employed by the manager are working and relevant to the learnings of each and every employee. Conclusion I would still go back to what I have mentioned earlier: the success or failure of an organization is not on how the manager managed the project but how he has maximized the potentials of his employees to deliver accurate and quality outputs. Managing people is like accomplishing an unfinished puzzle. The managers have their own task to accomplish which is the same with the employees who are part of the project. But in making this endeavour a success the manger sees to it that his people are enriched, have grown and motivated to do the job accordingly. This is not because of the increase in the salary or a work promotion but this is done because working in a team is a sense of fulfilment. Managing people is not easy. Management also is not that easy. It can be learned through time. These ideas that have been inculcated in their minds that at the end of the day it is not â€Å"me† that matters but â€Å"we’. References Brandenburg, B. (2006). What Community manager does? Retrieved March 5, 2008 Website: Fairweather, A. (2006). Managing employees: How to reprimand. Retrieved March 5, 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Website What Manager does? 2007. Retrieved March 6, 2008. Website:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Blair,   G. (2005). What makes a Great Manager. Retrieved March 3, 2008. Website Employee Performance Improvement: Understanding Your Role as a Manager† (2003) Catalog No. TD11A8Q65, Corporate Executive Board, p. 19. Martin, K. J. and J. McConnell. (1989). Corporate Performance, Corporate Takeovers and Management Turnover, Working Paper at Purdue University.                               Appendices Manager Interview Form Section 1: General Background and Responsibilities 1. How long have you been with the company? How long have you held your current position? 2. What are the three most important tasks or duties that you are responsible for accomplishing in this job? 3. What do you like most about being a manager? What do you like least about being a manager?    Section 2: Managing Employees What are the objectives you want to achieve? Short term and long term? How many employees do you have? Is it difficult to handle people who are diverse? Are there any instances when you reprimanded employees just because they did not follow you? How do you treat problems like this? What are the motivating factors you employ? Do you give benefits/rewards to those employees who performed high? Why is that so? What have you done so far as a Manager in the policies regarding benefits and rewards of the employees? As a manager, how do you build confidence and self-esteem of staff? How do you build quality team to ensure output?